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This is How We Homeschool: An Interview with the Galletta Family

Whether this is your first year or your tenth year, homeschooling is an ever-evolving thing. Yes you'll find your style and your routines, but as your kids grow... so will you! If you know us, you know we like to support homeschooling families with practical tips and tools and curricula. However, there is nothing like seeing authentic homeschooling in action. We know modeling learning for o...

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TODDLERhood: The realest hood there ever was.

Remembering back to when my firstborn child went breezing through development - from rolling over to crawling to running; I had always heard rumors of the impending territory that was so apprehensively approached… the daunting “terrible-twos” or the “threenager” scenario. When meaning-well mothers of older children would so generously offer their not-needed remind...

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A Montessori Home & Homeschool

A Montessori Home & Homeschool “Supposing I said there was a planet without schools or teachers, study was unknown, and yet the inhabitants—doing nothing but living and walking about—came to know all things, to carry in their minds the whole of learning: would you not think I was romancing? Well, just this, which seems so fanciful as to be nothing but the invention of a...

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This is How We Homeschool: An Interview with the Mundell Family

Whether this is your first year or your tenth year, homeschooling is an ever-evolving thing. Yes you'll find your style and your routines, but as your kids grow... so will you! If you know us, you know we like to support homeschooling families with practical tips and tools and curricula. However, there is nothing like seeing authentic homeschooling in action. We know modeling learning for o...

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Math, Differently Still

I can't believe it's been nearly FIVE years since I wrote this 2-part blog post series on "Seeing Math Differently" and "Doing Math Differently". Back then, I was on my way out of public school, just embarking on our WonderHere journey, and so very excited to explore what learning without limitations was like. Math was probably my least favorite subject to teach in p...

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Project Time: Meaningful Work That Can Happen Peacefully Within Your Home & Homeschool

Project time is when children are following their own interests and pursuing something they’re passionate about. This can be such an exciting and impactful time of learning! Let’s talk about some project time essentials! To start out, find out what your children are interested in! You can do this by observing! Watch their play, what they talk about, what they have questions about...

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